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Barco Hop-on Hop-off + Heineken Experience
Ámsterdam es una ciudad que hay que ver desde el agua, y una ciudad llena de atracciones divertidas que hay que visitar. Con esta entrada combinada podrás ver y explorar la ciudad por sus emblemáticos canales y visitar la Heineken Experience.
El barco City Sightseeing Amsterdam te muestra los canales de Ámsterdam, declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, con paradas en algunos de los lugares de visita obligada de la ciudad. Durante 24 horas puedes subir y bajar cuando quieras para crear tu propio itinerario por Ámsterdam. A bordo del barco puedes escuchar una audioguía para aprender más sobre la ciudad y los canales, y tendrás acceso a WiFi gratuito para que puedas compartir tu experiencia con amigos y familiares y seguir tu ubicación en la ciudad en nuestra aplicación.
La Heineken Experience no es como otras cervecerías que puedes visitar en todo el mundo. Aunque ya no está en funcionamiento, te muestra cómo una pequeña fábrica de cerveza holandesa conquistó el mundo y se convirtió en uno de los mayores productores de cerveza del planeta. El recorrido por la Heineken Experience es a la vez informativo y práctico, e incluye 2 cervezas gratis, ¡por lo que también es delicioso!
Varias paradas a lo largo de los canales
Visita una cervecería histórica
Disfruta de dos cervezas Heineken o refrescos gratis
Entradas gratuitas a Gassan Diamonds
Varias paradas a lo largo de los canales
Visita una cervecería histórica
Disfruta de dos cervezas Heineken o refrescos gratis
Entradas gratuitas a Gassan Diamonds
Recorrido en barco
Recorrido en barco
Stadhouderskade 78
1072 AE Amsterdam
Stadhouderskade 78
1072 AE Amsterdam
En comparación con un crucero normal por los canales de Ámsterdam, el Barco Hop-On Hop-Off tiene una ruta más larga que cubre más zonas de la ciudad, lo que lo hace perfecto para llevarte adonde quieras ir. El barco Hop-on Hop-off de Ámsterdam no es sólo un crucero guiado por los canales de Ámsterdam, sino también una forma fantástica de desplazarte sin tener que ir andando a todas partes ni depender del transporte público. Y si ves algo que te apetece visitar, puedes bajarte, echar un vistazo y coger el siguiente barco para continuar el paseo.
Los barcos Hop-On Hop-Off de Ámsterdam están equipados con ventanas panorámicas que ofrecen una vista incomparable de los alrededores. Puedes sentarte y disfrutar de las vistas mientras pasas junto a los emblemáticos puentes, las magníficas casas del siglo XVII, las antiguas iglesias y los museos. La excursión en barco Hop-on Hop-off de Ámsterdam es la combinación perfecta de un crucero por Ámsterdam y un divertido medio de transporte.
En comparación con un crucero normal por los canales de Ámsterdam, el Barco Hop-On Hop-Off tiene una ruta más larga que cubre más zonas de la ciudad, lo que lo hace perfecto para llevarte adonde quieras ir. El barco Hop-on Hop-off de Ámsterdam no es sólo un crucero guiado por los canales de Ámsterdam, sino también una forma fantástica de desplazarte sin tener que ir andando a todas partes ni depender del transporte público. Y si ves algo que te apetece visitar, puedes bajarte, echar un vistazo y coger el siguiente barco para continuar el paseo.
Los barcos Hop-On Hop-Off de Ámsterdam están equipados con ventanas panorámicas que ofrecen una vista incomparable de los alrededores. Puedes sentarte y disfrutar de las vistas mientras pasas junto a los emblemáticos puentes, las magníficas casas del siglo XVII, las antiguas iglesias y los museos. La excursión en barco Hop-on Hop-off de Ámsterdam es la combinación perfecta de un crucero por Ámsterdam y un divertido medio de transporte.
NiñosLa edad mínima es de 18 años debido a la Edad Legal para Comprar y/o Beber
SalidaEl barco sale aproximadamente cada 30-45 minutos
Horario de servicioEl primer barco sale de la parada 1 a las 9.30, el último barco sale de la parada 1 a las 17.45
Horario de aperturaDomingo - Jueves: 10.30 - 19.30
Viernes - Sábado 10.30 - 21.00 -
Información sobre la entradaLa entrada está disponible directamente en los móviles
Las entradas se pueden reprogramar hasta con 48 horas de antelación, el ticket no se puede cancelar -
WiFi gratuito disponibleAudioguia-gratuita-disponible
Descarga la aplicación gratuita City Sightseeing Amsterdam
NiñosLa edad mínima es de 18 años debido a la Edad Legal para Comprar y/o Beber
SalidaEl barco sale aproximadamente cada 30-45 minutos
Horario de servicioEl primer barco sale de la parada 1 a las 9.30, el último barco sale de la parada 1 a las 17.45
Horario de aperturaDomingo - Jueves: 10.30 - 19.30
Viernes - Sábado 10.30 - 21.00 -
Información sobre la entradaLa entrada está disponible directamente en los móviles
Las entradas se pueden reprogramar hasta con 48 horas de antelación, el ticket no se puede cancelar -
WiFi gratuito disponibleAudioguia-gratuita-disponible
Descarga la aplicación gratuita City Sightseeing Amsterdam
- Audioguía disponible en el barco en inglés, holandés, alemán, francés, español, italiano, portugués, catalán, turco, polaco, ruso, tailandés, indonesio, coreano, japonés, chino, árabe y hebreo
- Todas las visitas guiadas de la Heineken Experience son en inglés, pero hay audioguías disponibles en neerlandés, alemán, francés, italiano, español y portugués. Nota: estas audioguías sólo cubren la parte informativa de la visita a Heineken®.
- Auriculares gratuitos disponibles en el barco, que puedes conservar y reutilizar cuando vuelvas a subir.
- Mapa gratuito de la ciudad disponible a bordo del barco
- Visita gratuita a los Diamantes de Gassan
- Es posible que no todos los grupos grandes (más de 10 personas) puedan subir al mismo barco al mismo tiempo, debido al número de plazas disponibles.
- No se admiten mascotas, sólo perros guía
- Audioguía disponible en el barco en inglés, holandés, alemán, francés, español, italiano, portugués, catalán, turco, polaco, ruso, tailandés, indonesio, coreano, japonés, chino, árabe y hebreo
- Todas las visitas guiadas de la Heineken Experience son en inglés, pero hay audioguías disponibles en neerlandés, alemán, francés, italiano, español y portugués. Nota: estas audioguías sólo cubren la parte informativa de la visita a Heineken®.
- Auriculares gratuitos disponibles en el barco, que puedes conservar y reutilizar cuando vuelvas a subir.
- Mapa gratuito de la ciudad disponible a bordo del barco
- Visita gratuita a los Diamantes de Gassan
- Es posible que no todos los grupos grandes (más de 10 personas) puedan subir al mismo barco al mismo tiempo, debido al número de plazas disponibles.
- No se admiten mascotas, sólo perros guía
Me gusto mucho fue interactiva, el personal muy amable, en todo momento me diverti y me sentia intereasado, cada cambionde canina me emocionaba bastante. Recomiendo pagar por la.visita
Experiencia inolvidable gracias a la tuya de Jordan el mejor guía del mundo. Visita super VIP, al final conocimos a muchas personas del star, bebimos, reímos y tuvimos momentos muy agradables. Gracias Jordan y Gonzalo.
Me encanto la experience, no soy de tomar mucho pero es un lugar muy interesante desde su historia hasta el bar todo fue muy divertido, espectacular! Lo recomiendo al 100%
Muy entretenida la experiencia, no muestra el proceso en sí de la preparación de cervezas si es lo que quieres ver. Pero la historia es entretenida, el personal es amable y te regalan cervezas
Una visita increíble. Super recomendada. Teníamos entradas VIP y desde el primer momento, nos asignaron a Paula, una guía fantástica. La visita consta de un recorrido explicado por diferentes sitios y una cata con maridaje muy divertida. Tambien entra en la entrada 2 cervezas al final del recorrido. Nuestras felicitaciones a Paula por su buen hacer.
La entrada cuenta 23€, e incluye dos cervezas, te lo recomiendo 100% , al principio es ir viendo salas, con tu móvil, pues poner el traductor, luego ya es interactivo, superchulo, no lo cuento, hay que ir, unas salas chulas,al final al terminas en un bar con música, súper bien.
Simplemente ESPECTACULAR, las instalaciones, el tour, el paseo por el canal y la atención de ésta chica, sin igual; nos ayudó en toda la compra de entradas (súper rápido el proceso) y nos invitó a la terraza, habla varios idiomas y tiene una alegría que provoca quedarse allí... Muuy muy recomendado, así que si estás por Amsterdam tienes que ir a la Heineken y disfrutar de la experiencia...
Para los amantes de la cerveza ésta sería como la visita a un templo. Pero creo qué solo queda en eso, podría ser más interesante la visita
Como nos había quedado pendiente de otro viaje, concretamos esta visita a la vieja fábrica de Heineken, hoy devenida en museo temático. Mucha cordialidad y buenos efectos visuales. Sugiero mejorar el precio o aumentar las birras...jeje
Una experiencia de realidad virtual , interesante, el tour live to music incluye dos cervezas, recomendado . Puedes asar un rato participando de los juegos que tienen incluidos en el tour
On arrival to the Heineken experience we were greeted by a lovely store Clark who noticed my sister was holding a folder which the front cover of showed it was my birthday. Little did the store clerk know he wished my sister a happy birthday and gave her a birthday hat. I made them very aware that it was indeed my birthday not my sisters in which they were very apologetic about and passed the hat on to me in future. I think it would be nice to clarify which guest‘s birthday is before handing out gifts to strangers. Anyways moving onto the experience once we were let in there was lockers which we could use to store our belongings in which was ideal. We then had to line up in a very long queue which was extremely sticky and smelly, full of a lot of squid. Once the line was moving on we were then moved onto the beginning of the tour. The tour store clerks were very enthusiastic about their job and stated to us that the quickest anyone has ever done the tour was 12 minutes well me and my sister looked at each other and smirked and thought “hey I reckon we could do this in 10 minutes!!!”. As the tour continued the store Clarks did talk a lot and of course they’re were very informative and if you are interested about this beer (we’re not) then I think it would’ve been very beneficial to hear all this information however we were here for a good time not a long time so I think some self guided tour and potentially some headphones may have been useful in the future. This tour overall was very interactive however there was no sections about Miffy (nijntje) which I think could’ve been a nice way to include some more Dutch history into it and to potentially get some more customers. There was an interactive ride during this tour which made you experience what it’s like to be a beer such as how you are made, how you are packaged and how you are sent over the world it was very fun! however at some stage it did make me feel nauseous and quite frankly I felt sad for the beer what they have to go through how much travelling they do just to be drunk…. It’s SAD. Moving onto the final stage of the tour which was finally where you could get some free drinks (it would have been nice to have some drinks throughout the tour) the store clerk which greeted us at the beginning was now working behind the bar and recognise us. He remembered it was my birthday and gave us another free token which was amazing however when announcing it was my birthday all the staff members stopped and screamed at us and made sure everyone was made aware that it was my birthday this was slightly humiliating but also slightly fun. I understand why they do it however I think they may they could’ve been a little bit more subtle about it. The bar area was very cramped and very busy. I would suggest that they have more stools or benches to sit on. Is this to something that I would do again? Probably not however I’m glad that I did it and it’s something ticked off the bucket list. The staff members were very very nice and may I say they were the best part of the tour… very nice queer French men. VERY nice to look at . When exiting this experience my sister was very cold so a complimentary scarf would’ve been really nice as she was too embarrassed to buy one from the gift shop.
Excellent experience, very very friendly staff. Highly recommend. Definitely a place to visit when in Amsterdam. Made to feel very welcome whilst here.
This was very well done. You learn about history, there are some fun experiences and the staff are all friendly. However, it is very busy! We bought our tickets a few weeks ago but it wouldn’t have mattered as you can buy tickets on the spot and everyone ends up in the same giant line. I would say it’s more for the 20 years.
Great way to spend an afternoon in Amsterdam. The experience is really interactive and immersive into the beer-making process. The tour is self-guided, apart from 1 or two points where a guide explained something particular. Plenty of time to linger with a few beers at the end. The chance to pour the perfect Heineken was fun. We purchased the rooftop ticket, as well. The weather was overcast and chilly, but in the summer I'm sure it would be lovely up there.
The hosts were great, we were shown around and told about how the beer is made and it was interactive with questions. Not a whole guided tour as you have the chance to go off on your own. They have good photo booths and interactive games and experiences like walk through shows. One thing is I don’t actually enjoy the drink so having another drink option at the bar at the end would have been nice 😂 but I enjoyed the experience and my partner and I enjoyed making our own bottle.
Brilliant! As a bartender it was amazing to find out about the history of the Heineken beans. The staff were great, super enthusiastic and genuinely looked like they wanted to be there. Bonus points for hiring multilingual staff!
Fun, interactive experience. The company put together a great tour and tasting. We learned a lot about the history and process of the facility. Added bonus was the pouring class in the bar at the end. You drink what you pour! Really glad we went. Great gift shop as well. Makes it easier to buy tickets online as the lines get long.
Great activity to do whilst visiting Amsterdam! The tour guides were extremely knowledgeable and very friendly. It’s an interest tour with lots of different interactive elements to it. You get two tokens for two beers which you redeem at the end of the tour in the bar area which has great music! We also got a small beer half way around the tour too. The only negative thing I would of said is that our time slot was quite a large group of people, I would of preferred it to be less people so you can see more in the first part of the tour. But overall a great experience and a must-do in Amsterdam.
We booked online in advance for the Heineken Tour and Flagship Canal Cruise which was €40 each. They advise to leave around 2.5/3 hours between starting the brewery tour and the canal cruise. So we started our brewery tour at 2pm and the cruise at 5pm. The brewery tour was really interactive, interesting and informative. I learnt lots of things I didn’t already know about Heineken. At the start there is a cloakroom and lockers if you want to leave your stuff. The staff throughout the tour were friendly. My boyfriend loved the free beers at the end and the design your own bottle. There is a reasonably priced gift shop at the end also. After we left we had a while to wait for the cruise and a member of staff wouldn’t allow us back inside to wait so we had to just wait in the street. The staff running the cruise were really friendly and helpful, they knew lots of facts and information about Amsterdam and the canals. However, the free “beer” you get included is either a Birra Moretti or a 0% Heineken, unless you want to buy a Heineken or another alcoholic drink. The cruise felt really overbooked and cramped, that much so we could barely turn to see out off the windows. Overall, we really enjoyed the experience and it was one of our favourite things we did whilst in Amsterdam.
We were told this experience was a waste of time and not to bother ! We ignored this and went anyway. What a great time!!! Lots of free beer and really interesting.
Fantastic visit. Lots of things to do and plenty of beer to drink! A must visit when coming to Amsterdam. Staff all friendly too!
Een aanrader! De VIP tour van 65,- heeft een absolute meerwaarde. Wij waren samen en hadden een intieme groep van 10 personen van Amerika, Engeland, Polen wat het zeer interessant maakte. Hoe keek iedereen naar Heineken en naar Nederland leverde mooie inzichten op in de geheime private bar waar de tasting was. We voelden ons helemaal VIP, Heineken was schuitig met het bier en we mochten ook nog naar de rooftop (extra gekregen) ook een aanrader! Als je twijfelt of het 65,- euro waard is… Jaaa!!
We had a great afternoon here. Some of the interactive areas were a bit pointless, created to fill the space but we had a laugh and got to drink beer which and pour our own!! The roof top is lovely for the photo op but in February it was a bit cold to be drinking ice cold beer (for me anyway). We had discounted tickets, so glad I didn’t pay the full price but overall a nice experience
Esperienza stupenda all'interno di questo stabilimento dove si e potuto conoscere la storia di questa birra e si e potuto anche assaggiarla.
Very interesting experience. The staff are very friendly and show great energy towards the tour. The tour itself is pretty interesting, with facts about history of the beer, how its made, stored and more! Its very interactive which some might find slightly gimmicky, but we loved it. The beer is extremely fresh and we received x2 tokens each at the start of the tour which can be redeemed at the end. You also receive a half pint of beer towards the middle of the tour. You do not have to drink as there is water available, just give your tokens back or better - to someone else! You can personalise your own bottle for 7.50 Euros - which is a bit steep, but worth it if you want memories. Our favourite part was actually at the end of the tour in the bar on the bottom floor. The tunes were flowing and people were in good form - they also run a beer pouring contest where if you win you receive a free half pint. This was excellent.
Great Heineken Tour. Great/friendly staff. Delicious beer! One must do tour in Amsterdam! Definitely recommended and get your name or a Heineken Beer bottle to bring home!
An interesting tour with plenty of information on the history of Heineken and how their beer is brewed. There are also some interactive parts of the tour with photo opportunities which adds fun for a group of friends. You also get some fresh cold beers at the end, which were perfect for shaking off the morning hang.
I love beer but my wife isn't a fan so I wasn't sure how this would be for both of us. No need to be worried, it's a great experience finding out about the history of the company, interactive elements to get involved with including design your own bottle label. Very good value for money with beer samples thrown in.
We did the tour of the factory and had a great time, it cost roughly £20 each and that varies on different websites but I can honestly say it was worth every penny. We’ve done several beer and cider tours and this one ranks highly, the staff are friendly and informative and the interactive elements were a great touch. Within our tour we had 2 free drinks each and had several opportunities to win more throughout the tour. I would recommend this to anyone visiting Amsterdam who might have a couple hours spare.
What a trip. I've visited many breweries but Heineken Experience is another level. The tours are guided but you can wander between the areas during the tour. Samples and freebies available at different points during the tour. Helpful knowledgeable staff guide you through the history of the plant and brewing process before sampling the three types of Heineken brews. Original, silver and zero %. Interactive exhibits are available throughout the tour and you are actively encouraged to join in. 5min walk from the Rijks Museum and Van Gogh museum so lots to see in one day all together.
Brilliant Beer and Brilliant Staff makes an combination. From the moment you walk in you are made to feel welcomed it is obvious these guys and girls love their job. Lots to take in a round history then free beers and a fabulous little bar at the end which had live competitions going where guests got to practice pulling the perfect Heineken pints. This was a definitely a highlight of our trip. We got some personalised bottles which were reasonably priced and then enjoyed the rooftop bar for an extra drink. I would say this was slightly underwhelming however it was a grey and very cold day so I would not read into that too much
We visited this tour as part of a short break and really was brilliant! The tour is very interactive with lots of taster opportunities and then a brill bar at the end where you can partake in your free drinks!! It is very informative and you can move around at your own pace but there is always staff on hand to assist. There is a cloak room to leave coats and bags and we had the opportunity to take part in a 'Pull the Perfect Pint' Challenge and even made our very own personalised bottle to take away! However what really makes this place is the staff - they are the most friendly bunch - right from the front door to the bouncers directing you to the exit. They are all young and full of life and enthusiasm which really helps. We would definitely to again!
Before I went there I thought it was just another rip off but we all had fun, young and old. Especially the part we we impersonated the beer bottles was the best. I recommend the experience to every visitor to Amsterdam.
This was amazing beyond any expectation Jordan was an incredible tour guide and Jewels was always there with a great compliment to make this a true VIP experience. From check in manager Alex made us feel special
Far better than we expected, very worthwhile tour! Staff were a lof of fun, beer just 2 days old to try. Maybe an option of different alcohol at the roof top bar for the non beer drinks would be good but it did not ruin the experience.
You can turn up and book at the machines in the foyer or pre book on an app, either way it seems really flexible and you can just turn up at any time. We did the self guided tour where you get a quick introduction and then you’re free to make your way through the brewery. You get two tokens for beers at the start that can be redeemed in the bar upstairs. Also upstairs there’s the Heineken challenge where “Marcus” talks you through pouring the perfect pint. We really enjoyed this. We ended the tour on the rooftop with great views of Amsterdam and now come home with a Heineken habit. Would definitely recommend.
Went here on the reccomendation of our son and we were not dissapointed. From the moment we got there the staff were absolutely amazing and a credit to heineken and the Netherlands. Tour was very informative and extremely interactive which we loved. This tour is a must do and well worth the money. The beer tasted great and loved the heineken silver beer. Made our own heineken bottle which was a nice souvenir and is a must do . Big shout out to the guy where you get your bottle you made from as he was friendly ,polite and a joy to talk to and very helpful. Just cant remember his name but top guy. I would do the tour again the next time we visit Amsterdam as it was enjoyable .
The best part is the tasting at the end, where you get to sample freshly brewed Heineken, straight from the source. Staff are very knowledgable.
Was a great overall experience, went with friends and had an amazing time. One young man named Thiago was an absolute gentleman and improved our overall experience greatly. Will definitely come again.
Great way to spend a couple of fun hours! All the staff are so enthusiastic and helpful. The actual brewery bit is really interesting, but doesn’t take that long. You do get a great insight in to the history of the company and how it came to be so much of well known brand. The fun bit is the interactive exhibits and picture opportunities. Good selection of historical objects and sporting connections. In addition, the ‘free’ beers,which were really appreciated!
A great experience that exceeded expectations. Staff were friendly and helpful. It was more than a typical brewery tour that included some neat things to do and see. I highly recommend it!
We booked the VIP experience and were very impressed with both the quality of the exhibits and the knowledge of our guide, Suzanne. Absolutely recommended for anyone who loves beer and wants to learn more about it.
Leuke tour met veel interactie en immersie. De moeite waard als je van bier houdt! Natuurlijk wel heel touristisch maar leuk opgezet.
Great experience, for someone who isn’t a massive fan of beer and only went because the rest of the group likes beer I had a great time. You get to try the nicest, freshest heineken I have ever tasted! The tour guides were enthusiastic, informative, friendly, and made the experience great and interactive! I would highly recommend and would go back if I returned to Amsterdam.
Good fun, staff enthusiasm lifted the experience, the themes explaining the brewing process and beers at the end were good.
This place was my favourite attraction in Amsterdam. It was just amazing, they provided historical information which was really valuable and interesting. But it’s the tour itself that is great. There are interactive rooms with photo opportunities and you get 3 half pints accross your whole journey. Me and my partner (who doenst like lager) loved the experience and the bar at the end was amazing. If you have epilepsy it may not be the best place but overall it was well run and a fun experience for both of us. The stuff were great as well.
Vraiment une super expérience ! Le prix est de 25,95€ sur place. Vous pouvez aussi prendre vos billets sur internet. Un vestiaire avec casiers a code est disponible gratuitement a l’arrivée. Le personnel est vraiment très sympa, dynamique et accueillant. Le billet offre le droit a deux jeutons a echanger a la fin contre 2 bieres de 25cL au bar. Vous aurez egalement le droit a une biere au milieu du parcours de 15cL. Expérience vraiment super pour tout comprendre de la fabrication de la biere et de la celebre marque
War eine tolle Führung mit interessanten Fakten, es waren teilweise viele Leute gleichzeitig, weil Gruppen immer geblockt reingelassen wurden und sich frei bewegen konnten. Es war sehr interessant mehr über die Geschichte von Heineken zu erfahren und auch von der Bierherstellung. Absolut zu empfehlen.
The Heineken Experience is definitely a touristy activity, but we had a blast! It’s a completely high-tech, interactive experience that’s fun and unique, though there are certainly more intimate brewery or distillery tours out there. The Pros: First and foremost, the staff is fantastic—friendly, funny, and genuinely happy to be there. They were more than willing to answer questions and made the experience enjoyable. The interactive displays and high-tech features were impressive and added an extra layer of fun. The beer itself was good, though the free drink options were very limited (alcoholic or nonalcoholic). The Cons: It can feel very overcrowded, especially during peak times. Locker space is limited, and they stopped accepting coats around 5 PM, which was inconvenient. We also did the rooftop experience, but since it was raining, we couldn’t sit or hang out outside, and the one drink included felt a bit underwhelming for the extra cost. Overall, I’m glad I did it as it was a fun and different kind of tour, but I probably wouldn’t do it again or recommend it to someone with limited time in Amsterdam. It’s worth trying if you’re looking for something lighthearted and entertaining, but it’s not a must-see.
Juste exceptionnel . La meilleure expérience de ma vie (et j’en ai vu sans prétention ) . Équipe super cool, animations excellentes , bières superbe , juste excellent et t exceptionnel.