Stedelijk Museum
Discover one of the world’s most important collections of modern art, contemporary art and design. Book your ticket to Amsterdam's fascinating Stedelijk Museum!
Immerse yourself in the world of modern and contemporary art at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam's largest dedicated institution. Situated alongside iconic museums like the Van Gogh and Rijksmuseum on bustling Museumplein, the Stedelijk boasts a world-class collection of over 90,000 objects.
Explore over a century of artistic movements, from De Stijl and Bauhaus to Pop Art and Cobra. Encounter iconic works by renowned names like Kandinsky, Malevich, and Rietveld, alongside pieces by Van Gogh and Cézanne. With its vast collection, engaging exhibitions, and central location, the Stedelijk Museum offers an unmissable artistic experience.
Discover a diverse collection of art objects from world renowned artists
Admire permanent and temporary exhibitions
Explore the most innovative modern art museum
Discover a diverse collection of art objects from world renowned artists
Admire permanent and temporary exhibitions
Explore the most innovative modern art museum
Museumplein 10
1071 DJ Amsterdam
Museumplein 10
1071 DJ Amsterdam
Explore artistic treasures at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam's renowned institution dedicated to modern and contemporary art. Housing one of the world's most significant collections, the Stedelijk is a must-visit for any art enthusiast. The museum itself is a work of art, featuring the original 19th-century building by Dutch architect Adriaan Willem Weissman alongside its modern "bathtub" extension, added in 2012 to accommodate increasing visitor interest.
Immerse yourself in the permanent collection, featuring iconic works by masters like Van Gogh, Matisse, Warhol, Pollock, and de Kooning. Admire renowned pieces like Van Gogh's Les bêcheurs, Appel's Vragende Kinderen, and Chagall's L'autoportrait aux sept doigts. The Stedelijk further captivates with rotating exhibitions showcasing works by leading contemporary artists and designers, ensuring a dynamic and ever-evolving experience.
Explore artistic treasures at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam's renowned institution dedicated to modern and contemporary art. Housing one of the world's most significant collections, the Stedelijk is a must-visit for any art enthusiast. The museum itself is a work of art, featuring the original 19th-century building by Dutch architect Adriaan Willem Weissman alongside its modern "bathtub" extension, added in 2012 to accommodate increasing visitor interest.
Immerse yourself in the permanent collection, featuring iconic works by masters like Van Gogh, Matisse, Warhol, Pollock, and de Kooning. Admire renowned pieces like Van Gogh's Les bêcheurs, Appel's Vragende Kinderen, and Chagall's L'autoportrait aux sept doigts. The Stedelijk further captivates with rotating exhibitions showcasing works by leading contemporary artists and designers, ensuring a dynamic and ever-evolving experience.
ChildrenChild ticket for 0-18 year olds
Opening hoursMonday - Sunday: 10.00 - 18.00
Ticket informationTicket directly available on smartphone
Tickets can be rescheduled or cancelled up to 48 hours in advance -
Free audio-guide availableFree WiFi availableWheelchair accessibleFree access to bathroom
ChildrenChild ticket for 0-18 year olds
Opening hoursMonday - Sunday: 10.00 - 18.00
Ticket informationTicket directly available on smartphone
Tickets can be rescheduled or cancelled up to 48 hours in advance -
Free audio-guide availableFree WiFi availableWheelchair accessibleFree access to bathroom
- The free audio guide is available in English and Dutch
- Pets are not permitted inside the Van Gogh Museum, except for guide dogs
- The free audio guide is available in English and Dutch
- Pets are not permitted inside the Van Gogh Museum, except for guide dogs
Anselm Kiefer has taken over the museum. Enjoy the art and the leaves and flower petals on the floor. The permanent collection is also stellar.
This museum of modern art is good. A good range of displays. Employees are friendly. good use of space. A particularly remarkable display featured a time-lapse and panoramic view.
The Stedelijk has a great collection of Modernist Art from the early 20th century up to today. The original building has been extended with what locals refer to as the "bathtub" and the collection has grown since our previous visit several years go. Pre booking is not absolutely essential but remains a good idea as it is busy. The staff are very helpful and the displays are wheelchair friendly.
Stedelijk Museum of Modern Art was included in my I Amsterdam card and one of the highlights of my trip. Absolutely wonderful collection! Chagall’s “Maternity” and “Bella in Green” stole my heart, as expected. There are several interesting portraits by Russian avant-Garde painters of the early 20th century: Kokoshka, Matyushin, etc. All of these paintings are in the first room. After that, the collection takes more “modern” turn. For the fans of Yayoi Kusama's installations, there is her famous erotic “Boat” in different shades of blue. I didn’t spend much time on the ultra-contemporary art and on Mondrian as well. Two hours of joy for an art lover like me… and no crowds at all.
Every now and then i drop by this museum. I loved the Chagalls hanging here. It is almost never as crowded as the two nearby world-famous museums so i quite enjoy the space and especially the quietness here. The museum shop is quite lovely too✌✌✌
If you can’t get in to the Rijksmuseum or Van Gogh Museum because you didn’t get tickets in advance, this is a very good alternative. Wonderful range of modern art, presented in periods such as 1950s to 1980s and post-1980s. And no need to book!
If you can’t get in to the Rijksmuseum or Van Gogh Museum because you didn’t get tickets in advance, this is a very good alternative. Wonderful range of modern art, presented in periods such as 1950s to 1980s and post-1980s. And no need to book!
The current main exhibition brings together works of a number of modern artists. among them Vincent van Gogh, Fernand Leger, Suzanne Valadon and Gerrit Rietveld as well as less well-known artists. A very worthwhile exhibition.
A beautiful museum of modern art . I really loved spending half my day there enjoying and admiring the art . I really liked that there were statues and inventions alongside the paintings that gave the air trully a modern vibe. I also have to say that the architecture of the building was beautiful and it goes without saying that it feels great just being inside there and having the chance to see such great artists and creators.
Voor Circulate werden 21 kunstenaars geselecteerd die fotografie op uiteenlopende, vernieuwende manieren inzetten en buiten de kaders denken. Hun werk is ook getuige van de invloed van beeld in het leven anno nu. Veel werken in Circulate zijn speciaal voor de tentoonstelling gemaakt en voor het eerst te zien. Het Stedelijk zal gedurende de tentoonstelling bekendmaken welke werken worden aangekocht voor de museumcollectie. Vooral de film over de sjorders in de Rotterdamse haven van Katarina Jazbec vond ik indrukwekkend.
Magnifico Museo che ho potuto apprezzare in visita solitaria mentre aspettavo che mio marito mi raggiungesse al pomeriggio in città. Sono entrata e ho prenotato direttamente l'ingresso per la mostra di Marina Abramovič (il resto del museo e la parte in pianta stabile è gratuito). Molto organizzato e ben tenuto, con le parti moderne intersecate con la struttura più vetusta, il museo è una chicca. Personalmente ho adorato le installazioni e la retrospettiva su Marina, estremamente ben realizzata e con la sorpresa della performance che non mi aspettavo nella stanza "in visione" sui tre ambienti casalinghi nei quali per 14 giorni (quello della mia visita era alla fine del novero) si è espressa la quotidianità in gesti misurati e molto... "giapponesi". Sì, devo dire che la performance mi dava questa incredibile sensazione d'Oriente e mi ha catturata e avvinta per circa un'ora (poi la fame, la mia... si è fatta sentire: non so come sia possibile per una persona bere solo acqua e acqua alle rose per tutto quel tempo invece... due settimane così... WOW!). Anche le opere nella parte fissa del Museo sono molte e interessanti: l'arte moderna e internazionale (l'Olanda è cosmopolita da secoli e si vede) cattura ed è molto facile seguire un filo temporale e spaziale mentre si passa da una stanza all'altra. Un visita avvincente e consigliata!
Museo di arte contemporanea. La struttura è grande (viene chiamata colloquialmente "vasca da bagno", per la sua architettura particolare!), disposta su due piani. La proposta non è forse per tutti, il genere deve piacere. Io ho apprezzato molto le opere sia famose che quelle meno blasonate. Con un'aggiunta di 10 € si può acquistare (anche sul momento) l'accesso all'area delle exhibition; io ho avuto la fortuna di ammirare la mostra di Marina Abramovic, meritatissima. Ingresso al museo gratis con I Amsterdam Card.
Déambulation au milieu d’œuvres d’une grande diversité, l’audio-guide gratuit n’est pas toujours très utile… Visite à prolonger avec le MOCO.
Geweldige rondleiding gehad met onze leerlingen eindexamentour kunst op 8 april Dank.. Zuidrand Haarlemmermeerlyceum hoofddorp
Stedelijk museum Amsterdam is een prettig museum om te bezoeken en niet te druk en prettige sfeer Ik vond de tentoonstelling interessant en afwisselend
Bezoek aan Stedelijk vanwege foto-expositie Nan Goldin. Indrukwekkende reportages over zaken die het leven bezighouden. Resterende expositie erg experimenteel en weinig pakkend. Jammer.
È vicino al Van Gogh museum ed al Rijskmuseum, ma non snobbatelo. Merita una visita, dato che siete qui. Grande, anche troppo. Molte sale passatele “volando”. Altre molto interessanti, alcune con qualche “pezzo” (quadri) da scoprire “nascosto” in mezzo a tanti altri. Costoso, come del resto tutto qui ad Amsterdam.
Museo de arte contemporáneo, dentro del circuito y la zona de museos tan impresionantes con la que cuenta Ámsterdam, Obras de artistas reconocidos, principalmente a partir del impresionismo, y recorrido muy interesante pero quizá sea el hermano pequeño de los grandes museos de la ciudad.
Arte contemporanea a go go... c'è un pò di tutto, da oggetti a dipinti a manifesti... ampi spazi e ben gestito, a pochi metri dal VG Museum. Da non perdere per chi ama questo genere.
Il faut être honnête, nous y sommes allés parce qu’il était gratuit avec notre carte! I. Il Y a tant de choses à voir à Amsterdam qu’il n’était,pas dans nos priorités, Mais nous n’avons pas regretté…Le musée est clair, spacieux et les œuvres sont remarquables et mises en valeur, un excellent moment!
Super spannend führt das Museum durch die Kunstepochen der Niederlanden bis in die Kunst der Gegenwart. Das Museum ist nicht so überfüllt eignet sich also gut für spontane Besuche wenn das Reichsmuseum oder das Anne-Frank Museum überlaufen sind. Sehr lohnenswert.
Auch wenn der neue Anbau mit der Bezeichnung "Badewanne" nicht den charmantesten Namen trägt symbolisiert er doch ausgezeichnet die Verbindung zwischen Moderne und klassischer niederländischer (und internationaler) Kunst. Neben Mondrian, Malewitsch und zahlreichen anderen Künstlern des 20. Jahrhunderts bieten auch begehbare Installationen des 21. Jahrhunderts unterhaltsame Einblicke in die aktuelle Kunstszene der Niederlande.
La visita a un museo de arte moderno siempre es retador. Es mas deberia serlo. Y este no es una excepcion. Coleccion usual muy interesante con kandinsky, monet, van gogh, jackson pollock, picasso, mondrian etc muy interesante. Y lo mas moderno muy intrigante. Vale la pena.
Hermosa construcción vista desde afuera. No pude conseguir tickets para el ingreso. Había poca gente alrededor.
Det er nok det bedste museum i byen med ganske strålende værker, glem de andre museer, hvis du ikke har tid, dette er fremragende.
Meget smukt og interessant museum. Vi nåede desværre ikke at nyde skulpturerne i parken omkring museet. Man kan efter besøget nyde en god frokost eller kop kaffe i teltet / under sejlet i skulpturparken. Vi parkerede ved en af indgangene. Her kan man leje cykler og cykle de ca 10 km hen over heden til museet - skønt og hjemturen i øsende regnvejr :)
På ett bra sätt presenterades samlingarna i kronologisk ordning. Många intressanta verk. Lagom mycket folk, ljust och luftigt.
Välordnat modernt konstmuseum som täcker perioden från sent 1800-tal fram till nutid. Perfekt att se någon dag efter VanGogh museet eftersom detta museum tar vid där Van Gogh slutade, ungefär.
Vi besökte muséet under knappt två timmar - efter att ha ägnat större delen av dagen åt Van Gogh. De är varandras motsatser på sätt och vis. På Van Gogh leds man genom hans liv, tryggt och bekvämt. På Stedelijk är det tvärtom - massor av olika intryck och uttryck så fort man kommer innanför dörrarna. Det tar en stund innan man hjälpligt orienterat sig om vad de olika delarna av huset innehåller. Dock är det så ett museum för samtida konst ska vara, tycker jag.Deras basutställning med lite konsthistoria från det senaste seklet är alldeles utmärkt. Allt annat är bonus - om man ger sig tid att försjunka i varje rum, vill säga. Hit går vi igen.
Jättehäftigt museum fyllt med saker att se på! Man hittar små detaljer här och där i muséet som verkligen är guldkorn. Dessutom ingen entréavgift om man är under 19 år.
Set udefra er Stedelijk Museum (Det kommunale Museum) ligesom guden Janus! Står man i Paulus Potterstraat ser man en flot bygning opført 1891 – 1895 i neorenæssancestil. Flot er den ikke mindst, hvis man sammenligner den med naboen, som er det helt utroligt grimme og alt for firkantede Van Gogh Museum, bygget af mursten i grå grumset farve. Dog har Stedelijk ved forskellige restaureringer mistet en del udsmykning og skulpturer, og disse tabte forsiringer burde genskabes ved en kommende restaurering. Set fra Museumsplein er det en ganske anden fortælling, når man ser Benthem Crouwels tilbygning, opført 2007 – 2012. Det at museet har to ansigter: Dét fra slutningen af det 19. århundrede og så det nye fra begyndelsen af det 21. århundrede, er jo en flot måde at fortælle gæsterne om hvad de skal se, når de besøger dette fremragende museum, der oprindelig blev opført for at huse den kunstsamling som Sophia Augusta Lopez Suasso de Bruyn (1816 – 1890) havde skænket Amsterdam. Mange genstande fra hendes samling findes dog i dag i Amsterdam Museum, efter at Stedelijk i 1970 overgik til udelukkende at være museum for moderne kunst. Stedelijk ejer en af verdens største samlinger af kunst fra modernismens begyndelse og fremefter, og meget af samlingen er slet ikke ophængt i museet. Da jeg besøgte Stedelijk i april 2014, var det første der mødte mig Jan Sluijters frapperende originale ”Bal Tabarin” fra 1907, et billede som, så vidt jeg forstod det, desværre kun var til låns i en periode? En stor gruppe mennesker i ophedet dans i en balsal på Montmartre under det overstrømmende elektriske lys, en nyhed dengang, og lysekronerne fylder næste to tredjedele af dette store billede, som er en slags overgang mellem impressionisme og modernisme (fauvisme). Og ellers begyndes der med mange af de store og berømte kunstnere fra modernismens barndom: Monet, Van Gogh, Bonnard, Rijsselberghe, Toorop og Mondrian. Her er flere billeder af medlemmerne af ”Die Brücke”: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Emil Nolde og Max Pechstein. Nævnes skal også billeder af Kandinsky, Soutine, Braque, Picasso, Chagall, Gino Severini, Heinrich Champendonk, Jan Wiegers, Leo Gestel, Constant Anton Nieuwenhuys og et mindre billede af blå heste af Franz Marc, hvis blå heste man jo ellers skal til Neue Gallerie i New York for at opleve. Her er stort set kun tale om hovedværker af kunstnerne, og det er en utrolig flot samling af en kaliber som man kan opleve det på MoMA i New York. Udstillingen fortsætter med nyere, abstrakte kunstarter, installationer osv., og det må andre, der forstår sig på den slags fortælle om.